
Blog of the guy behind eyehook.com

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ok, we all love games, right? Well, I was tossing around some ideas in my head. I've never really done anything beyond tic-tac-toe and a, er..., partially functional chess applet, but nothing really original. Anyway, long story short, I know web stuff & design so I thought it would be fun to do a color theory game (light on color theory, heavy on game), and I came up with the amazing COLOR box! Woo! (Yes, it even has a grayscale mode for the color blind--otherwise I know they'd be silently cursing me at night... oh, yes).

Basically it takes the Tetris concept and merges it with color addition. You try to make white squares by combining red, green, and blue. It's actually kind of easy, so I added the "all colors" which makes it a lot more challenging. I like it, and I hope you do.

Sidenote: The COLOR box has done pretty well. It got on reddit.com & digg.com, and I ended up with almost 18,000 hits the day after I put it out there. Whee!