
Blog of the guy behind eyehook.com

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Bug Reporting

I got paranoid that the new way I'm handling JavaScript detection is going to blow up for somebody, so I went ahead and added a super lightweight bug reporting mechanism. We'll see if anybody uses it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

favorite video games

After the search engine fiasco, I decided to do something else. I put up a list of some of my Favorite Video Games. It's kind of a "greatest hits," no real shockers. But it was kind of fun to think about games that I've enjoyed over the years. Now that I'm thinking about it, I really should add Jet Set Radio Future...

Search Engine Shenanigans

I was looking around at search engines, and discovered to my horror that they are indexing my "no javascript" page for the content of my little javascript applications. Oops. I was doing a meta refresh inside a noscript tag... bad. So, I had to change all of my javascript detection to be search engine friendly (now I just use javascript to go to the page; flipping the behavior around). Oh, the joys of web delelopment. Bleh. We'll see if it works. I'm probably stuck now for awhile with the crappy search results, though.

On a different note, I've been playing with Google Sitemaps (beta), which looks like it'll be pretty neat.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tarot Cards

So, I was doing some web-surfing the other night (do people even do that any more?), and somehow I ended up at Sacred Texts. Don't ask me how, I can't even remember. Anyway, I used to be totally into Tarot Cards back in high school. Yes, you have a pretty good idea of how big of a dork I was. Enjoy that smug smile of yours.

So, pretty cool, they have public domain images of the cards and interpretations, so I thunk, hey! why not make a little page that does a tarot reading. Sure, why not. Although, I really am supposed to be working on this damn book... arg. Must... get... back... to... work...

Oh well, so I ate a couple of hours making it, but I think it turned out ok. We'll see how much of my bandwidth it sucks. It may have a very short life-span... dum, dum, dum...


Ok, we all love games, right? Well, I was tossing around some ideas in my head. I've never really done anything beyond tic-tac-toe and a, er..., partially functional chess applet, but nothing really original. Anyway, long story short, I know web stuff & design so I thought it would be fun to do a color theory game (light on color theory, heavy on game), and I came up with the amazing COLOR box! Woo! (Yes, it even has a grayscale mode for the color blind--otherwise I know they'd be silently cursing me at night... oh, yes).

Basically it takes the Tetris concept and merges it with color addition. You try to make white squares by combining red, green, and blue. It's actually kind of easy, so I added the "all colors" which makes it a lot more challenging. I like it, and I hope you do.

Sidenote: The COLOR box has done pretty well. It got on reddit.com & digg.com, and I ended up with almost 18,000 hits the day after I put it out there. Whee!

Free Image Library

Ok, so the first thing I did was put up the Free Image Library. I'm a hack, but I enjoy chucking my stuff out there for people to openly mock. :) I basically just did some images that seemed to be popular. Now that I have some content, I can start doing more stuff that I'm actually interested in, although... I'm actually kinda getting into doing dragon pictures... spooky...

It's alive!

Well, I revived eyehook.com after a five year hiatus. Eyehook was originally my web site design company during the dot com bubble. It was doing ok, but I decided to shut it down and team up with the guys at TransactTools. I worked there for the past few years, and now I'm taking some time off to write a book (bad idea, huh?).

Anyway, I was getting burnt out on the book, so I thought I'd spend some of my time reviving my old digital mistress. Hm... this sounds like I have a really short attention span doesn't it? Well, I guess I do, but stretch it out over a couple of years, and you'll get a better idea. Anyway, enjoy the blog.
